
Counter to Modern Society

The "Hooyoraihai" series, which covers the cheeks and chin, is characterized by the presence of various-sized studs that adorn the entire vessel. These flamboyant and unique series define the impression of Takahiro Koga's artworks. At first glance, it may seem as if these pieces are created purely based on sensibility. However, in reality, they are built upon a historical and cultural foundation, with deep respect for classical traditions.

Koga, who deeply respects Sen no Rikyu, the master of wabi-cha, was inspired by Rikyu's approach of using black tea bowls to diminish their presence and enhance the beauty of tea. Taking this as a source of inspiration, Koga proudly embraces the concept of "hanwabisabi" (opposing the subdued beauty of wabi-sabi). How can one visually express the inherent power within an object and create an overwhelming presence? One of Koga's answers was the use of studs.

He found studs to be fascinating as they represent the smallest unit of power. They have a visual, tactile, and even gustatory impact. The keyword "protrusion" later evolved into the concept of "prominent individuals." They are individuals who break free from old customs, overturn conventional wisdom, and bring about powerful and distinctive changes in the world. Koga crystallizes these remarkable and influential individuals, who can be seen as white gemstones, within his porcelain creations. And one after another, these "prominent individuals" emerge.

Koga states that "the present age is akin to an era of upward mobility." With the development of social media, everyone has gained a voice. Now, it is an era where individuals can strive for greater heights based not on their background or place of origin, but on their own determination and courage to speak up. Within this worldview, the "Hooyoraihai" series, inspired by the eccentric helmets of the Warring States warlords, expresses the way of life and indomitable spirit of these warlords. It also serves as an encouragement to the ambitious modern warriors of today.

"I deliberately choose to disseminate my work from a local perspective and focus on expressions that can be achieved on an individual level." Despite the current emphasis on diversification of values, the power of local regions to disseminate culture may be diminishing. As mass production progresses and information spreads rapidly, society may become homogenized. That's why Koga continues to create his artworks from Kyushu, pouring his thoughts into each piece and consistently offering a counterpoint to society.



  • 2022年
  • Made in Japan 3.0: Defining a New Phy-gital Reality(K11 / 香港)
  • 2021年
  • 2020年
  • SLVR.TETSUYA×Artists"NEW DDRESS UP"(BnA Alter Museum/京都)
  • 2018年
  • パリ三越伊勢丹(パリ、フランス)
  • 2018年
  • メゾン・エ・オブジェ (パリ、フランス)
  • 2017年
  • 次世代展 (九州国立博物館 / 福岡)
  • 2016年
  • 現代茶碗 展 (日本橋三越/ 東京)
  • 2015年
  • JAM collection (Chie Art Gallery / ミラノ、イタリア)
  • 2015年
  • 2014年
  • ISETAN茶会(新宿伊勢丹 / 東京)
  • 2021年
  • Anti Wabi-Sabi Takahiro Koga Solo Exhibition-創造力は自粛できない-(渋谷 or | RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK/東京)
  • 2021年
  • 陶芸家 古賀崇洋 個展ー十年一剣ー(博多阪急/福岡)
  • 2021年
  • Takahiro Koga Solo Exhibition-Get Stand Up-(LHP 原宿/東京)
  • 2020年
  • 陶芸家・古賀崇洋作品展 ~下剋上時代の陶芸~(レクサスさいたま新都心/埼玉)
  • 2019年
  • 古賀崇洋 陶磁器展(ISETAN SALONE / 東京)
  • 2019年
  • STUDS (CoSTUME NATIONAL Aoyama Complex / 東京)
  • 2018年
  • 古賀崇洋 陶展(ULTRA C / 山口)
  • 2018年
  • 呑むアート展(六本木ヒルズ 東京カルチャーリサーチ / 東京)
  • 2018年
  • 陶磁器 古賀崇洋(六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリー / 東京)
  • 2017年
  • Ceramic Dedication(OTOGI/福岡)
  • 2017年
  • TABLEHACK(citruss/福岡PARCO)
  • 2016年
  • STONE WEAR TakahiroKoga Cramic Exhibition(Stereo Gallery / 福岡)
  • 2015年
  • 古賀崇洋 展(the spin days / 東京)
  • 2014年
  • 陶磁器 古賀崇洋 (H.P.FRANCE DECOdeBONAIR / 東京)
  • 2019年
  • 東京喰種×頰鎧盃 *金木研 マスク型器担当 (PARCO 大阪、福岡、東京、名古屋、札幌)
  • 2016年
  • IKUMI SS17 NY COLLECTION (Grace Church / ニューヨーク、アメリカ)
  • 2013年
  • Contemporary Japanese Design & Arts | Fuori Salone (MILANO SALONE 2013 / ミラノ、イタリア )

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creative base Fukuoka, kagoshima

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